here we talk about everything

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

years from now by aizat

What will I be years from now
What will I wear how will I look
I think too much I think too much

(Verse 1)
Sometimes its scary over thinking
What you have or haven't done
You think too much you think too much

(Verse 2)
Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And the star much shine
The color seems so blurry

Will l endup all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you...

(Verse 3)
Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And neglect most people views
Seems so worthy

p/s: i dedicated this song to all my friends..
hope korang suka..:))
-peace no war-

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

first coretan 1a.m not 2 p.m

- kawan lolipop yang paling Best-


aku sje je nk try blog kt sini malam nie...
semua orng dah tdo...tinggal aku je...
kt umh aku skang nie tinggal aku, abah,umi n ikram..
adik ngan along sume ade kt skolah msing2...

25/10 nie aku dah nk kena blik campus blik...
mls tol lh....x suka duk kt jengka tu!!!!..alamnda lagi cm x life je...klau kat ALAMANDA tu ade je yang best..pling kurng setiap ari rbu boleh tgk wayang n p ronda2 dalm mid valley tu..blh jgak hilang kan rse bosan.p kt jengka nie aku asyik duk dalam bilik je...nk kuar pon mls coz xde ape yng mnrik..BUT ,sbnarnye ade je tmpat yng mnrik yng boleh di Gua Senyum and Tekam...tempat tu aku pnah pergi tme study kt English Language Centre(ELC)..
bnyk knangn kat sne...smpai skng aku blh ingt anything i do at there like berkayak, msuk hutan n gunung and lawan poco2 ramai2...oooo...sweet gler time tu...lau lh blh undur mse ...erm.....p nk wat cmne aku terpkse jgk study kt sini( BANDAR JENGKA yng x brpe nk bandar sngt)..
p sdar x sedar dah nk final aku stay kt cnie.. ..27/10 nie first paper(BEL)..
sekejap je mase berlalu..hari2 aku sibuk ngn study je..p ade jgak lah mse bermain aku tu..(wajib ade,klau x de..aku x blh nk study...jdi blur hidup aku...hehe)
okay,back to my aku kt jengka nie bersame ngn kawan2 je..isma wajib ngn aku...dri sem 1 smpai skng..senantiase bersame bagai irama & lagu...(kahkahkah)
xleh blaarrrr...
p ape2 pon dye mmg BEST. she's always makes me smile dgn lawak2 bodoh dye..haha..
suare yng sngt merdu dan besar .dan berkemampuan mncapai tahap max volume..haha..sory isma...bkn nk kutuk p mmg bnar...ko suke berckp mcm orng cina ckp..gne volume yng sngt kuat cm duk 10 batu dri ko...haha..aku suke gler kawan ngn ko,even aku kdng2 x brpe nk okay sngt cz skit ati yng ko sndiri tau(bestfriend kau buat kple aku pusing memikirkn kerenah dye) nk pukul 2 a.m dah ,study pon blom...len kli je lh cte sal mnah senget nie..chow dlu erkk....daaaaaa..:))

blh plak aku wat mnde nie..pdahl buku CTU ngn QMT dah lme tunggu aku..
ish..lyn je lh...
coretan nie adalah crite benar..haha..
kebosanan yng mendorong aku membke blog..
nways for BMD3BI let's start fighting!!!!!!!!
try to get DEKAN kerana DEKAN di hatiku...
peace no war